What are the advantages of owner’s title insurance?

What are the advantages of owner’s title insurance?

For many people, the home is usually the biggest single investment done in life and that is worth protecting for sure. At the time of purchasing a home, you will buy many kinds of insurance coverages for the purpose of protecting your home and personal property. You may be thinking, what is the necessity of title insurance? But the answer you will get from experts of the real estate community is a clear yes. As an owner’s insurance guards you against loss from theft, fire or wind damage, title insurance will protect you against hidden title risks that may threaten the financial investment in your property. Having title insurance from the best title search company like Utah title can surely help you to avoid a financial nightmare later, triggered by property ownership issues.

What is title insurance:

Title insurance is not as thoroughly known to people as other types of home insurance, but it is of very much importance. At the time of you buying the home or property, you will get a document called a deed, which will describe that the seller has transferred their legal ownership or title to you. So, it means that when you buy the actual building or land, you are really buying the title to that property giving you the authority to occupy and utilize the area accordingly. There are chances that there may be certain hidden issues in the title, that may limit the rights and claims to a property declared by others, hindering your utilization of the property to full extent making you regret financially. Title insurance will guard you against such kinds of title hazards and will shield you from getting sued. There are also chances that the previous owner may have not paid taxes or any work contractors who may claim that they have not been paid for works completed on the property before you purchased it. Other different types of insurances safeguard your property from potential future events but charge an annual premium. But, title insurance safeguards against impact from tittle hazards and any hidden, surprising risks in the title with just a one-time premium.

What are the advantages?

The title Owner’s insurance gives you a range of benefits, including:

  • Safeguarding you for a time until you are the owner of the property.
  • It will take care of the costs like attorney’s fees and any other expenses of fighting legally against any issue insured.
  • It will also safeguard for any covered risks within the amount of insurance, including any hazards in title linked to:
    • Any kind of forgery or fraud or Unmarketable title.
    • The claims of real estate taxes or any other assessments like unpaid mortgages that need to be paid but kept pending by the previous owner.
    • Any restriction or blockage from the right of access to the land area and easements that allow construction of a road or utility line
    • Blockage in any parts of the way, limiting access to the property
    • Any spelling mistakes, incorrect names in deeds, wills, and trusts.
    • Any pending legal issues against the property that could come after your purchase.
    • Improper notary acknowledgments.

With detailed research, title problems are disclosed early so they can be corrected when possible. From the time you buy title insurance, you’ll get the all-important peace of mind with the fact that you are safe and free of any kind of financial loss from the covered claims. If you are in the mood to sell your property, title insurance will guard you if the sale finds a failure because of a hidden defect in your property’s title. This will again avoid you from any potential financial loss.

The very crucial aspect of title insurance is its prominence on negating risk aspects before insuring. This will provide the owner, with the finest possible option for negating any title claim and incurring loss. The title insurance agency starts with a thorough search of the land records concerned with the real estate of that particular property. A title examiner will assess the title by researching the series of ownership of the property. They will ensure that the property is transferred to the correct intended person by sale or will, or in the form of a gift. Usually, documents that don’t correctly pass the title are shown in the chain from the records in a search.

What does an owner’s title insurance policy cost?

The cost is mainly influenced by the value of your property. Also, the very crucial and benefitting part is that premium needs to be paid only once and the coverage will continue to be in effect for so long as you will be the owner of the property. If in case the owner dies, then coverage will pass on to the benefit of the owner’s heirs. It will also help in case you sell your property, giving the authority of the title to your buyer, your coverage will continue.


Your home is your most crucial investment. Before you finish your deal, make sure about your owner’s title insurance protection policy ensuring to protect your property with any hidden or surprise hazards. It has been on records that title issues are found in more than one-third of house-related transactions. At no fault of your own, those things might eventually come back to haunt you later. Matters like liens, way easements, and property subdivisions create doubts on authorization to the property. But if you possess an owner’s Title Insurance policy, these issues are found and rectified before the final deal is completed. They cover you even for issues that are committed illegally or with wrong documentation giving you a sense of peace. The one-time cost for an owner’s title policy is very small compared to the benefits you gain from this. Your best bet would be Utah Title, the perfect title search company with the best title insurance professionals of vast experience and who have gone through dealing with just about every possible title situation.

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